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Do Los Angeles Film Schools Really Work?

You can easily find several Los Angeles film schools to choose to go to in Los Angeles, California since it is the film industry’s undisputed foundation. Plenty of aspiring film directors, film producers, editors and screenwriters enroll in these schools, trying to find their shot at making it big inside the film industry. But what […]

Reviews on Film Connection Film Institute

While traditional film school graduates struggle to find work, Film Connection Film Institute reviews are glowing over how many of their grads go on to get a job in their earliest year. That is because traditional film schools do not get you prepared for a career in film, instead they concentrate on teaching you theory […]

Film School- Film Connection

There’s two main programs for filmmaking to pick from that Film Connection Film Institute (http://www.filmconnection.com ), a known Film Connection Film School, offers.One is geared for those who live in the Los Angeles area, and the other is geared for those who live elsewhere. What are the odds when you live in Cleveland, Ohio so […]

The Mentor Apprentice Method Of Learning Filmmaking in Film Connection

When it comes to film schools, the Film Connection is exclusive in its approach. It is a film school that has no campus and no classrooms, yet helps students launch productive film careers all over the country. How? Using an innovative learning method called the mentor-apprentice approach. Film Connection knows what many in the film […]

Grips Are The Backbone of Movie Shoots

GRIPS are hired in the motion picture and television industry and execute a variety of tasks in the process of film making~The television and film industry makes use of the expertise of  GRIPS and they carry out various roles in the movie making operation.}.  Films are made within and outside the structure of major studios, and the […]

Film – You’ve Finished Your Screenplay; Now What?

You’ve finally finished your screenplay and you feel certain it’s ready to go out into the film world. You’ve read it and re-read it and re-read it. You already proofread, corrected spelling errors, very carefully gone over the format to ensure that it meets quality criteria.. You feel you’re all set to start submitting the script […]

How Much Am I Indebted to this Film University?

A lot of people realize one day, after graduating with a four-year course from a well-known school or university, and become aware of the fact that their debt amounts to tens and thousands of dollars in university fees and footing the expenses for their professions.  However, it could not be considered all for nothing; you […]

Film School Success Guide

Your university might be more keen on your money than your knowledge or discovering – just like the movie sector, an institution is an enterprise, and their task is to ensure that you stay. You have to cope with the admissions office, financial aid office, educational advising, and at four-year colleges, General Education conditions like […]

Moviemaking Instructors Are Significant Resources

Mentors are role models who take a vested interest in your success. Seldom, you encounter a tutor at unexpected occasions, and they will  assist you in your filmmaking quest. A mentor will provide awareness and will often direct you on the way to a successful outcome. This does not signify that your teacher will develop a […]

How to Pierce into the Movie Business

The film industryis an area that most indivuduals typically tag as not likely to be penetrated. People mock you and say “The best of luck to you,” if you inform them of your plan. “It is not about the knowledge that you have; it’s about your links; and you don’t have any.” It’s a reality […]