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Weekend Box Office: Final Destination beats out Halloween.

This weekend’s two horror movie openings, The Final Destination and Halloween II both fared relatively well. The Final Destination took first place with $28 million for the weekend, which comes largely from 3D sales. Halloween II was knocked down another peg by Inglorious Basterds and wound up in 3rd with $17 million.

In Theaters Now: Get Ready to Scream

Only two major releases this week and their both geared toward making you scream.

Weekend Box Office: Once again Tarantino does not disappoint.

This weekend’s box office has Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds suppressing not only Nazis but the competition as well. This witty revenge flick with Brad Pitt managed to steal District 9’s thunder with over $37 million for the weekend.

In Theaters Now: A “short” movie for everyone.

Shorts Finally a children’s movie that everyone can enjoy. Shorts has a story and script that is cute, charming and overwhelmingly funny enough to suit anyone. This movie seems to get kids completely and even reminds parents of what it is like to be a kid. The story follows that an 11 year old boy […]