X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This movie caused a stir for angering die hard Wolverine fans and delighting female fans who loved the image of Hugh Jackman running around naked. Whether you are a fan of the comic series or just a fan of the X-Men movies, this is a must see. This movie ventures into the reasons why Logan agreed to have his body fused with adamantium. If you have any questions about why Wolverine is the way he is, this is a movie you should watch.


This film explores the life of Rembrandt and the controversy concerning his painting of The Nightwatch. Rembrandt is commissed to do a painting of the Amsterdam Musketeer Militia and in doing so tries to expose the murder conspiracy brewing within the militia. This amazing film is beautifully done and sheds new light into the life of Rembrandt that many never discover.

Blood & Bone

This movie delves into the underground world of streetfighting as a drifter played by Michael Jai White. This action packed martial arts film is a must see for fans of the genre. This drifter starts to get in over his head as he takes on the criminal underworld.


This chilling movie features a parent’s worst nightmare as a pregnant mother’s child is killed during a tragic accident. Despite the findings of doctors the mother insists on carrying the stillborn child to term. When the tiny corpse is finally birthed, the mother wills the child back to life. But baby Grace is not your normal child and it is not long before her mother is forced to make a series of terrible sacrifices in order to keep her alive.