What are best film schools to know filmmaking? Be reminded that “best” is a subjective word. Some say the best film schools come in Los Angeles, other people say The Big Apple. Take a look around the many more you should know.

UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television (http://www.tft.ucla.edu/) Offers most of the same. You can surely tell that neither institution surpasses the other, if you aren’t alumnae. Both of these fine universities provides you the same subjects to learn from. Among the popular filmmakers who have graduated from UCLA are Francis Ford Coppola,(The Godfather Trilogy) Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Carribean).

USC’s School of Cinematic Arts (http://cinema.usc.edu/programs/index.cfm) Among the many filmmakers who finished in this school are George Lucas (Star Wars Saga), John Carpenter (Halloween The Thing), and John Milus Red Dawn, Conan the Barbarian). From writing, to production to editing to marketing; things are covered with this school following the basics. This school provides you with all you need to learn. Besides filmmaking you can also study screenwriting, acting for film and television, and producing.

NYU’s Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television has an excellent undergraduate program. It is highly selective however, there are a handful of requirements for admittance to the program. You are required to have a portfolio of creative materials and educational excellence. The admittance to this course is an actual try out.

Another film school located in The Big Apple is the New York Film Academy School of Film and Acting. This school has a one year filmmaking course in which students will write, shoot, direct, and edit eight films, and act as crew on twenty-eight more. This school does not have the stringent requirements of past creative experience as does NYU. Graduation provides you with a diploma or certificate, along with a dvd film reel.

Here is some information on another film school that’s located in L . A ., and New York City. In fact it might use a location in your area.

The Film Connection Film Institute (http://www.filmconnection.com/) This school uses a mentor apprentice approach to teaching. Film Connection will pair students with a professional director, editor, cinematographer, or producer who will help them learn how the business works. Students will be interns, apprentices, and students all while doing so. They will get to work on real films and videos in production as an apprentice, and learn the business the right way.

Again the term “best” is really one that the student must decide on. What is the best film schools for one, might not be the same for everyone.