Today’s technologies enables nearly anybody to produce a great racing movie.  Still an amazing amount of content is generated which has virtually no importance to the audience.  Here, what we’re discussing is the inside looking out racing movie, not the large production ones.  Just how do you produce a racing film that catches the creativity of the audience, yet exhibits all the critical motion on track?

The average racing addict is aware that race car drivers make the most realistic films.  Even so, the picture focus is usually sub-standard, even with the latest hd cameras.  The first step is quite simple in idea but challenging in practice, that is, installing the digital camera correctly.  Without a camera bracket that protects the camera from the massive shaking of a racing vehicle and points it in the correct location, it’s very hard to record the movie you want.  At the beginning you should spend the money for a good camera mount and place it in various key locations, near the mirrors, or the bodywork in such a way that it captures the most exciting passes.

The next step is the racing movie editing.  Think about not only the motion picture component, but the sound mixing and analysis information as well.  Making sure you have the video pointed in the right direction and it’s capturing great racing scenes, is this enough?  Most people go with the thumping roar of the motor with squealing tires concept.  This is great when the motor has a powerful sound like a American iron.  That’s not the only approach, however.  You could do a voice-over, for example, to produce an instruction video or intend remember all the important details of a particular race.  You can also make a music racing video.

Another thing to consider is if you have a race data system.  A lot of these systems allow you to include a sensor results overlay to your racing movie, showing RPM, G-forces, braking, gear selection, etc..  If you are producing a technical race driving instruction, however, you should be conservative with these types of gimmicks because they can cause distactions from the race footage. Be conservative with overlays.

Lastly, if your racing movie will be for advertising you might want to add a title, header section, and conclusion showing contact information, logo, website, etc.  Motion pictures are an excellent way to promote your product or service.  The key is to produce an energetic racing movie that has the opportunity to go viral, or at least gets sent all over the world.