LCD versus Plasma TVs is a subject that should be covered before a person purchases a new television. The models themselves are pretty evenly matched so whatever direction a person goes they are going to get a good deal. Modern times are seeing constant growth in this industry and as a result the two competitors are evenly matched.

Each of the models is close in size, plasmas are offered in a range of 15-63 inches which is measured diagonally. Larger designs which are being produces include a huge 103 inch and 150 inch model both of which are not going to be readily available to the public. Larger designs are generally offered to companies that are in the market for large displays used for meetings and other types of company functions.

On the side of LCDs the size range is 10-65 inches giving them a slight edge in the race and allowing vendors to offer more choices. In the area of large LCDs there are 108 inch models that can be purchased for a hefty amount of change. Because of cost the larger models are generally purchased are not designed for everyday households.

When it comes to durability, both models are about even because manufacturers of plasmas have made an effort to improve the design. Older models of plasmas were very fragile and also were quite heavy making them unattractive to potential buyers. LCDs on the other hand have been built pretty much the same throughout the years and continue to compete with their counter parts.

After considering size and durability, the next part is to consider the contrast of the television to make sure it is what a person wants. The ratio known as contrast ratio is determined on how well a television handles black and white pixel transformation. In this category Plasmas are the leader and this lead is only a minor one because LCDs are improving every day and will take the lead one day.

Accuracy of color is another item that should be considered because if the accuracy is poor then the color in the picture will be poor as well. The pixels used in a television consist of elements used to create a spectrum of colors. The main difference between the two is all about lighting, LCDs are great in well lit areas and Plasmas are great for low light situations.

Most of the major manufacturers of televisions, such as the Panasonic Viera line, offer a choice among several important variables.

You will also be able to choose the screen resolution, the very detailed 1080p TVs or the less expensive 720p resolution.

LCD versus plasma TVs comes down to personal preference as new models of LCDs like the LED versions are making them quite comparable to Plasmas. For this reason a person should research each model and also view them in person to find the picture they like the most. Technology is continuing to advance in this market and the future of televisions is guaranteed to be amazing.