Human beings are really the agents of the environmental crisis we find ourselves in. There are two main views, the one being that it’s the result of the ignorance of the masses, the other that we’ve been deceived by big corporations. At the end of the day, Joe Soap is liable for a lot of the irresponsible and destructive use of our natural resources. The nature of things is, unfortunately, that the general public ordinarily accepts the spin put out by the powers that be. It is nonetheless possible for people by their actions to counter a number of the global ecological instability resulting from global warming.

There is much to be gained from carrying out solutions endorsed by the green movement. Going green seems like the only feasible alternative available for the saving of our environment. Alas, all the present damage cannot be reversed, but at least further damage can be stopped and the impending calamity largely averted. To keep the crisis from becoming worse, people can start using products and procedures that are earth-friendly. If we would like the earth to be cleaner and greener, there are a few things that are non-negotiable.

These include utilizing green waste, buying food locally, following a vegetarian diet, and not using throwaway materials. Virtually everyone could do all of those things by merely making the choice to do them. Taking the needed steps to save water and power can restore balance to the ecology. The rising level of CO2 in the air has been the trigger for the ecological problem. The present crisis is being added to by all of the modern equipment, from factories, and automobiles to large farms, with all of their advanced machinery.

Due to this crisis, there are dearths in both food and water, extreme weathers, and also other natural catastrophes. The problem has escalated to the extent where only decisive, heavy steps can be helpful. One of the most crucial things for today is to convince individuals to live green. So as to make a huge impact on the world overall, a start must be made, and that is with simple things. The media is apparently best-placed to take on the job of persuading the public that any step towards greener living is noteworthy and will make an impact.

As this may be the last method that can be used, it is up to each person to take some responsibility by living wisely. Without considerably raising our environmental cognizance, the decline towards eventual ruin appears unavoidable. The very survival of the earth surely depends on the masses accepting responsibility for their individual roles in the overall effort to resolve the crisis. The outlook for our future generation is a distressing one, if individuals continue along the path set by the current generation.

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