What are online film schools? How do these film schools function? How do these learning institutions conduct their classes on the web? What are some of the subject offerings of these film schools to their students? What opportunities are waiting for the graduates of these learning institutions? Or what are the career opportunities that graduates from these web-based learning outfits can expect when they graduate? What are some of the production companies that are willing to hire graduates from these web-based film schools?

Online film institutions are learning institutions that conduct classes on the varied subjects related to filmmaking through the Internet with the aid of a well-established, practical, user-friendly distance-education program. Learning may be long distance but the quality is the same. It can be done through regular correspondence which depends on the teaching mode that the professor of the fimmaking course use. It can be done with online chatting through Skype or Yahoo Messenger.

These online film schools came about because traditional film schools wanted to reach professionals interested in learning film-making but is holed up in an 8-to-5 job therefore cannot attend a regular film academy and give this group the opportunity to learn film production at a pace that their respective schedules could allow and learn it at the comforts of their homes or offices.

This type of film schools in the meantime conduct classes with the use of the world wide web. It will be the online film school that will direct you to its student HUB where you will do and get most of your learning. It’s all the same as the traditional film school that will give you the required materials for its students so that they can complete the film program. These are learning resources such as filmmaking information, instructional videos and video footages that student would need to edit as per the requirements of the course.

Most of these Internet-based film schools offer more or less the same subjects such as producing, directing, digital cinematography, editing, creating special effects, production designing, scriptwriting, marketing and promotions, lighting and storyboard creation.

Some of the career opportunities that await graduates of most online film schools are as film or associate producer, production manager, editor or assistant to the editor, director of photography cameraman or video camera operator, production assistant, production designer, screenwriter and also as location manager.

On the one hand, existing production and film companies that are open to hiring students and graduates of Internet-based film schools include Dreamworks, Pixar, Miramax Films, Skywalker Sound, Red Sky Films, and Saul Zaentz Film Center. If you can’t fin work in any of these mentioned outfits or film studios, you can always put up your own film production company.

Having graduated from online film schools, always keep it in mind that there are endless possibilities. Declare that you are the next George Lucas or Jerry Bruckheimer because you have talent and skill. It might just come true!