According to many experts the next big thing in home entertainment is going to be 3D television. The way that we watch television will change completely with the introduction of the 3D television. We will be able to be a part of the action instead of just sitting back as a passive viewer. The general public really do seem quite taken with 3D television and this is not something which has gone unnoticed by the manufacturers. 2011 is going to see many 3D televisions released onto the market with some of these at very affordable prices.


However there are some naysayers out there who complain that 3D television is not going to be half as good as we are hoping it to be. There are a lot of people who feel that there will be a lot of people suffering with health problems in the eyes. Many people fear that the 3D glasses that must be worn will be damaging to the eyes over time. Manufacturers are tying to create a 3D television which won’t require glasses but it will be quite some time before this has been introduced to the market at a reasonable price.


How good these 3D televisions are going to be is something that is still being fiercely debated. There will be a lot of people holding out to see how others experience this new device before they commit themselves to it. Many people however, are really excited about the idea of being able to watch 3D movies without having to go to the cinema or watching 3D football without having to go to the local pub so it is likely that there will be a large number of these televisions sold. Even if these 3D televisions don’t take over this year it is only a matter of time.


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