Everybody’s favorite vegetarian vampire, Kristen Stewart has been making more and more strange comments to the press. Quite a few of these persona quirks may be attributed to her life long struggle to cope with Social Anxiety Disorder.

The Twilight super star has been all around the world promoting her movies, but the ever present face of Social Anxiety Disorder has persisted to be apparent. Even a huge movie star who has been the subject of quite a few interviews and public appearances, Kristen Stewart has had to deal with Social Anxiety Disorder which looks to effect her every day life.

The starlet has been putting on a courageous face on red carpets across the world these past few weeks and months for The Twilight Saga. The 20-year-old actress has offered up an additional odd rationalization for her stoic expression at advertising events.

Stewart told Britain’s Hello! magazine that she often tries to “keep myself from crying.”

Her emotions of anxiety and paranoia have recently been mounting in increasingly weird comments.

The vampire love interest adds: “No security could protect me” from the franchise’s rabid fans. “Ostensibly they’re fans, but I think about them turning on me.”

The actress goes on, ”I don’t feel very comfortable on the red carpet,” she states of Twilight‘s enormous premieres. “I look out there at a 1000 people and I realize they could rush me and assassinate me.”

This isn’t the first time Kristen Stewart’s seemingly unchecked anxiety concerns have surfaced in much less than complimentary ways. It looks on the surface as if Stewart has been having difficulties with the responsibility of being a star. She recently informed Britain’s Elle magazine that dealing with paparazzi was “like being raped.”

She later on apologized for the  comment. “I’m so sensitive about stuff like that…I used the wrong word. I should have said ‘violated’,” she explained to Entertainment Weekly