Want to train like a professional UFC fighter?  Well, it is simple if you have an Xbox Kinect or Playstation 3 Move console! UFC trainer is a game that allows users the opportunity to do exercises that the professionals do. The game uses workouts from the top professional UFC trainers. It also gives you the option to use weights to add more resistance and strength training to your customizable routine.   All the exercises are designed to make you break a sweat, and they are all legitimate routines that have you moving the same ways as the professionals. UFC trainer has assisted many people with achieving their health and weight loss goals.  This game along with dieting will help an individual lose weight. This game has also been proven to be one of the best workouts for women.


When doing a comparison on the pros and cons of the game, the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot.  One pro is that if the individual can keep up with the intensity of the workout, they will definitely get their fair share of exercise. Each exercise has to be done within a time frame and a set number of repetitions have to be completed to get a high score or unlock a new exercise. When you begin the game you get the option to do it with or without weights. Adding weights will definitely challenge you during each routine to complete the required repetition in the allotted time frame.  You also get to do all of the training without most of the pain of hitting and kicking a heavy bag.  This game is good for women in their 40’s seeking weight loss because it’s safer on their joints.


 Though there aren’t many negative things to say about this game, the cons can make the game unenjoyable for some.  The video game trainers that are used to help motivate you through the workouts can get very annoying very quickly.  The game is also very glitchy when it comes to accuracy.  When using the Xbox Kinect, problems can arise when moving around, but the console does a fair job at recognizing your body.  When you use the Playstation Move you have to have the wands in your hands so the option of using weights isn’t available. To get the best UFC training go to a gym that offers mixed martial arts training.