moaning the Blue Ray Blues? dvd’s as we know them will be departing the way of VHS & Beta Tapes & 8 tracks. Coming in by storm are the Blue Ray ‘discs’ or, properly read, Blu Ray discs.

In the home entertainment business, better sound and sharper pictures , is symonomous withquality . And certainly blu ray recorders, blue ray movies and blu ray dvds are at the head of the industry~ entertainment industry ~ electronics industry ~ home electronics industry } .

Luckily , Blu Ray technology has been out long enough that the price tags have started to drop on everything from the players to the discs. One of the best indicators of this fact is Sony gutting its price on the Wii from $250 to just under $200 in the last 6 months. Talk about killing two birds with one stone ! You get gaming capabilities and exercise along with sports, but STOP ! But wait!. There’s more! You can watch your favorite blu ray movie, as you put your feet up from all that activity!

If all those extras hold little value to you, it gets even better ! You can now procure some of the best blu ray recorders for under $100. Yes, you read it right , best blu ray recorders for under $100!

Browsing my favorite ‘big box’ store the other day, I found Phillips, LG, & GE blu ray players for well under $100. And for just a little more than $100, I scoped out a Sony! Oh, sure you can spend much more than that on blu ray. Naturally , you would expect durabilty , distinction , and perhaps a bit more in visual acuity, but honestly. Really! My techno geek posse tell me that next on the horizon are compact blu ray discs and just a little further down the list are downloadable, blu ray movies stored on memory cards!

For now , buy blue ray movies and savor the best blu ray for a fair price as the electronics industry prepares us for the next generation in home entertainment! Forget singing the blues and get the popcorn popping!