It was a sold out crowd for simply the second time this year on Saturday, May 21’st at Progressive field.  It was an inter-state, interleague rivalry between the Cleveland Indians and the Cincinnati Reds.  The weather was great, and everybody of every age in attendance was given a free t-shirt designed to look like a Shin Soo Choo jersey.  In this sea of bright white shirted fans, the atmosphere was electric. A giant American flag was waving to the crowd in a light breeze and when anything great happened for the Indians throughout the game, fireworks shot up to the sky.

This was the ideal chance for marketing to a large, diverse, regional group.  The technique is figuring out how to get a concept across to a majority of the individuals without breaking the bank on a blimp or an airplane or a spot on the jumbotron inside the ball park.  A prominent Museum addressed this issue by using .  An LED Screen Rental was placed outside one of the most important gate entrance to the ballpark, and a  video looped on it for hours.  The fans eyes were drawn to it’s size (9′ by 12′) and its brightness even in the sunny weather.  These folks saw it as they entered the ballpark, and if they happened to miss it while getting in, they absolutely saw it immediately after the game on the way out.  Not only did they have the video going for them, they also employed two gorgeous young women, termed “brand activators” to hand out brochures and answer any concerns concerning the museum. 

Not only was this a great method for bringing in local Cleveland fans, but there were a number of Cincinnati fans as well that visited the museum because of this guerrilla marketing technique.  Most of the time, the most effective and cost effective way to market to an event crowd is to put a jumbo screen in their path and let it do the work.  Folks’s eyes are drawn like bugs to a zapper.