Here are top 5 sci-fi novels of all time, which can often be termed wholesome entertainment for some, and life changing events for others : 

  • The Foundation, by Isaac Asimov, 1951 : Dubbed by many authors as the best Sci Fi book ever, The Foundation is undoubtedly Asimov’s best work. The foundation of this book is that a mathematician spent his life developing an area of arithmetic, which he gives the name Psychohistory. 
  • Stranger in the Unusual Land, by Robert Heinlein, 1961 : This science Fiction novel tells the tale of Valentine Michael Smith, the homo sapien who was raised on Mars. Left on Mars after an expedition gone wrong, Smith returns to Earth after 20 tears. 
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, 1949 : Set in the super states of Oceania, 1984 narrates the tale of a dystopian society where every individual is watched by the Big Brother, all the events in history are manipulated, and all of the reports is manipulated to fit the present situation. 
  • The Time Machine, H.G. Wells, 1895 : This is the 1st book that brought time travel into the world, and the concept of the 4th dimension was coined in this book, as was the term ‘time machine ‘. This book tells the tale of a British inventor and his travel thru to the 8th century and back 
  • Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, 1818. Written by Shelley at the age of 21, this book caused the term Frankenstein’s monster. The book narrates the story of Victor Frankenstein who builds a man from pieces of body parts, after which he gets horrified of the monster he had created, and leaves him on his very own. The real trouble starts when the monster kills his bro and runs amok. 
  • This isn’t a book, but have you ever noticed the accompaniment tracks that sometimes are used in sci fi movies? Listen next time you sit down to a good flick, you’ll be surprised what kind of emotions you can get just with the music.