The iPad from Apple has a lot of people very excited and perhaps quite rightly has been billed as an all singing, all dancing next generation product.  Barely on the market for two months and reports suggest that sales have already passed 2 million units.

Anyone reading this, is more likely than not, going to know what the iPad can do already, so for the purposes of fun, let’s take a look at what else the iPad may be able of, both now and in the future.

Clocking in at a weight of 1.5 pounds with a screen size of 9.7 inches, the iPad is just half an inch thick, making it perfect to take on holiday with you for all your internet and email requirements while you are away. But, aside from watching movies on the plane and listening to your favourite tunes, your new iPad could come in very handy while you are travelling .

  • If adventure vacations are your thing and you love to go on safari, not only does the iPad, appropriately come with the Safari web browser as standard but it may well save your life. Creepy crawlies are notoriously large in some parts of the globe, but a prompt iPad swat later and the largest of crawling threats are defeated. It’s known as the swipe and wipe feature!
  • If you are on a winter sports holiday and all of your equipment has been cruelly stolen, your new iPad could make a handy makeshift snowboard or better still if you have 2 iPad and a couple rubber bands you have a readymade pair of hi tech snow shoes!
  • If attacked by a large toothed creature, such as lion, tiger, bear or perhaps angry seal, jamming your beloved iPad between the attacker’s jaws may be a sacrifice worth making. However, if your assailant is a crocodile, you are advised to tuck the device neatly under one arm and paddle furiously with the other!
  • Back at home, the iPad will eventually make all other household appliances redundant and possibly allow you to rent out space for some much needed extra income.

Of course, TV, radio and any home entertainment systems can be sold. All you need is a comfy chair and your favourite downloaded movies and games.

  • There are also unconfirmed reports of a dongle upgrade coming soon that will turn your iPad into a “Back to the Future” style hover board, meaning you can sell your car or family vehicle and hop on your iPad and get to work that way. It is believed you will be able to steer either in portrait or landscape!

So, I think you will agree that the iPad is much, much more than a glorified portable computer. The future is here!